#Cloud development

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1 week ago

Graal Cloud Native IntelliJ IDEA Plugin Enables Cloud Agnostic Projects Based on Micronaut

Oracle released Graal Cloud Native plugin for IntelliJ IDEA to develop cloud-agnostic applications based on Micronaut framework. [ more ]
2 months ago
Web development

Transitioning Discord's Engineering Team to Cloud Development Environments

Migration to Linux-based Cloud Development Environment
Use of remote machines for development [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
2 months ago

Infrastructure as Code development with Amazon CodeWhisperer | Amazon Web Services

AWS announced IaC support for CodeWhisperer at re:Invent 2023
CodeWhisperer supports various languages for IaC like YAML, JSON, Typescript, Python, and HCL [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
6 months ago

Automate safe AWS CloudFormation deployments from GitHub | Amazon Web Services

AWS CloudFormation now supports using Git sync to automatically trigger deployments from tracked Git repositories
The integration with Git enables developers to speed up the development cycle for CloudFormation and reduce context switching
Developers can create a cloud development environment using GitHub Codespaces and use the CloudFormation Linter extension to validate templates before deployment [ more ]
6 months ago
Information security

Cloud security and devops have work to do

80% of organizations have adopted a devops model and 75% push new software builds to production at least once a week.
In the past year, 99% of organizations experienced cyberattacks related to cloud-hosted applications and infrastructure.
The primary attack vectors are misconfigurations, software vulnerabilities, and misuse of privileged accounts. [ more ]
6 months ago
Information security

Cloud security and devops have work to do

80% of organizations have adopted a devops model and 75% push new software builds to production at least once a week.
In the past year, 99% of organizations experienced cyberattacks related to cloud-hosted applications and infrastructure.
The primary attack vectors are misconfigurations, software vulnerabilities, and misuse of privileged accounts. [ more ]
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